Executive Ghostwriting

You can influence the future of
business. engineering. gig workers. human resources.

You have insights to share, mistakes to narrate, forward-looking ideas. Let me help you get them out into the world and in front of the decision-makers of tomorrow.


You have values to share, stories to tell, lessons — and a legacy — to leave to the leaders who are following in your footsteps. Learn how to reach them.

My central focus is on getting to know you, not your resume.

From our very first call, you’ll notice that my questions never start or end with what’s going on at work. Why? Because the hardships you overcome on the path to success aren’t confined to the walls of your office.

So many hours outside of your 8-to-6 are pivotal in shaping your leadership style. And almost every life experience — parenthood, illness, loss, forgiveness — culminate into the ideas and knowledge you bring to your desk each day.

Most leaders brush them off as “embarrassing” or “not important.” But it’s these things that tell the story of how you lead with empathy, integrity, and grace.

When we honor your whole story, authenticity comes naturally.

All the facets of your life suddenly become endless sources of ideas, anecdotes, and inspiration, and you begin sharing more narratives that deeply resonate, ones that spotlight your insights while remaining rooted in your unique perspective.

Working together, you’ll begin to realize not only how much you’ve been holding back, but also how much your audience yearns for genuine connection. Once you have their attention, that’s when you know you’re positioned to drive lasting change.

My Services

Here's what I can help with...

The way I work looks starkly different from one client to the next. I’m eager to learn about your goals, weaknesses, and workflow so that I can best support you on your journey!

what I do

What does an executive ghostwriter do?

Once I learn about you and your goals, I’ll work with you to develop a personalized strategy that may involve some of the following workshops and services.

Brand Development

How do you want the world to perceive you? I’ll help you consistently put your best foot forward.

Ghostwriting & Editing

I’ll help you bring your stories to life, whether you need help refining what you’ve written or crafting something new.

Press Work

Through media outreach, I can help you secure speaking engagements, interviews, and press coverage.

Earned Media

Features & Editorials

True thought leadership means expanding your reach to a wider audience, but it takes a lot of legwork to put yourself out there. Whether you want to get featured in leading publications or secure a speaking engagement, I’ll do the pitching for you.

Screenshot of Sydney Chamberlain's article published on Well+Good.

Professional Content

From LinkedIn to your blog, I am honored to work alongside thought leaders and help you put your experiences and philosophies into words that will resonate with your target audience and stimulate forward-thinking discussions. 

Screenshot of a case study Sydney Chamberlain wrote for her client, ButterCMS.
Books & Specialty Projects

Long-Form Content

Would you like to see your name in print? I help accomplished leaders expand their stories into full-length books, speeches, and presentations. In addition to ghostwriting, I can assist with the self-publishing process or help pitch your idea to a publishing house.

As a ghostwriter, I strive to be invisible. When you read my writing and all you hear is your own voice, I've succeeded.

And just so we're clear...
(Because I don't believe in wasting time)

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hey there!

I'm Sydney Chamberlain

I help top companies and their leaders implement thoughtful content marketing strategies that stick. If you’re passionate about growing your online presence in a way that feels authentically you, you’re in the right place!