Do media authentically

That opportunity you’ve been dreaming about? Let’s go after it.

Photo of Sydney Chamberlain standing and smiling.

A fresh take on marketing.

No more crossing fingers and hoping the algorithm likes you this week.


Imagine hitting “publish” without worrying about keywords and hashtags. Imagine focusing on the stories you want to share — not the ones your SEO guy says you should. Better yet, imagine landing right in front of your target audience every time, all because you’re showing up where it truly counts. 

Let me help you pivot to a impact-driven strategy where you get to decide what’s worthy of being seen.


My media-first strategy empowers you to escape short-lived content and focus on telling stories that stick.

Share what's in your heart.

What makes your story perfect isn’t what you think.

Maybe it’s the writer in me, but I believe any story has the potential to be intriguing and impactful. Even still, there are “obvious” stories — the ones about hardship, failure, dead-ends, and reinvention — that tend to box leaders in. 

A story doesn’t have to be worthy of your memoir to be meaningful. It story doesn’t need to culminate in a thrilling, unexpected, or satiating twist. It doesn’t even need to have a clear-cut lesson or takeaway.

The best storytellers don’t write by a rubric. They revolve it around a message that threads their memories and experiences together; they focus on what aligns with their truths and values; and they share, insistently. 

Storytelling, when you get back to the heart of it, is beautifully simple. It’s in your nature.

"Gradually, then suddenly."

Over the course of a decade, I went from being fascinated with the sheer scale and ingenuity of content marketing to loathing its monotonous and superficial nature.

When I realized my heart was no longer in it, I searched childhood dreams and old hobbies trying to figure out what would come next. Thankfully, it didn’t take too many bouts of soul-searching before a question presented itself…

“Who says I have to throw away all I know just because I don’t like how other people do marketing?”

Some aspects of my work I never stopped loving, like working one-on-one with people. Helping them share the stories that make their eyes light up. Hearing their throats get a little scratchy when I tell them for the first time, “You’re published!”

So, I leaned into all those things and I came up with a framework all my own. Since piloting and refining it with all of my executive clients, I’m proud to say I’m back to content marketing — but, this time, with my whole heart.

X Sydney

I dreamt up a heartfelt approach to marketing as authentic and impactful as the leaders I help.

My media-first strategy empowers you to be real with your audience and tell stories that stick with people.

The typical approach to marketing makes growth exceedingly difficult — so why does everyone seem to do it that way? They invest hours into writing blog posts then struggle to get traffic. They burn themselves out posting on social media only for their hard-earned followers to rarely see their posts. They dream of scaling up, but it just seems impossible

It’s not that you’re doing social media wrong. It’s not that you can’t write. It’s not that you’re boring. You’re doing fine! But the system you’ve been told to follow is not. The inside-out approach makes you over-exert yourself with all the wrong activities and, too often, leaves people convinced that they just aren’t marketable at all.

What you need is a new approach that moves from the outside in. So your stories are always getting seen by fresh eyes, not the same old followers. So you can pour your heart into content knowing it will move the needle for your business. So that you can get back to focusing on what you really want to share, not what you think you should.

The Real You Never Goes Out of Style

It’s normal to be nervous before sharing something new with the world.

It can be so tempting to polish up a persona to represent you. An alter-ego who boldly stands up for their beliefs; one who keeps their head down and chips away at their goals with envious discipline; one who gets knocked off their feet and jumps right back up, better off for it.

But the real you has more stories than you could ever tell. They never run out of things to say. They’ll always be “on-brand.” 

When you show up determined to be authentic and not hide behind the guise of perfection and positivity, something incredible happens: You start to resonate with people… like all the time. 

It takes courage. But the whole you would connect with your audience in an instant. And you would see how much they admire that you’re not hiding behind a facade.

Because complete personas — flawed, quirky, frustrated, ambitious, persevering people who have found the strength to show their weaknesses — are rare finds. And they always stand out from the noise. 


Looking for bylines? Dream bigger! Put all channels to work for you with a media-first marketing strategy.

A balanced and burnout-proof strategy.

Plunging into a new approach requires only one thing: The courage to put yourself out there. Let me help you come up with a marketing mix that drives meaningful results.



Getting impactful exposure isn’t complicated. I’ll help you identify and tell the stories people want to hear.



Create something amazing and I’ll show you how to make it work for you over and over again.



With the right mindset, owned channels will help you nurture and connect more deeply.

Ready to reimagine your marketing strategy?

All the work you’ve put in so far, let’s put it to good use. I’ll help you come up with a strategy built around your goals.


hey there!

I'm Sydney Chamberlain

Want your marketing to feel more like you? Let me help you implement a slow, thoughtful, burnout-proof approach.