Writing an Effective Email Sequence

A woman sitting at her laptop writing an email sequence for her list.

Getting people on your list is great, but the real magic happens when you start sending them an email sequence, which should not only deliver value, but gradually move them toward the next conversion event or milestone.  Whether you have a list already or you’re building out your first funnel, here’s what you need to […]

How to Build an Email Marketing Funnel

Woman mapping out an email marketing funnel for her business.

Are you building your business on rented space? Having an email list means you can reach your audience without being reliant on the rules and algorithms of third-party channels like Facebook. With email marketing, you can serve up timely and personalized content that’s able to connect more deeply and convert more easily. The best part? […]

Hi, I'm Sydney!

Marketing with a heart.

Want your marketing to feel more like you? Let’s implement a slow, thoughtful, burnout-proof approach.